If you have been contemplating increasing the size of your penis and have done any amount of research online, the odds are pretty decent that you have come across the Jes Extender. Like most men, you’ve probably realized that it’s wise to invest time researching various options before making your final decision regarding which device will serve you best. If you are considering the Jes Extender as one of your options, be sure to thoroughly read our complete, unbiased review before deciding if it is right for you.
The Jes Extender works using the same principles of most penis extenders in that it uses traction to help you achieve the results you desire. Utilizing the traditional comfort tube style design, it holds the penis at the base and the head without too much discomfort on the part of the wearer. Cushion-style support is provided where the Jes Extender attaches to the organ base to make the device more comfortable.
The Jes Extender works by holding your penis in place while applying gentle pressure and gradually stretching it to the desired length. The adjustable poles allow you to increase or decrease pressure as necessary. According to the manufacturer, you will gain the following benefits from wearing the Jes Extender:
Because it is shipped in a plain white box, you do not have to worry about your friends and neighbors guessing the contents. Originally, the Jes Extender was attractively packaged in a nice metal or mahogany case, giving it a rather classy first impression. However, the company eventually moved away from this model.
The main equipment in the package is the extender device, but it also includes a tape measure for monitoring progress, a protective pouch for the device, silicone bands, the Jes Extender user manual, and an assortment of extender spares which provides you with a large degree of upgrade ability.
The user manual is fairly thorough and does an admirable job of providing the essentials of penis enlargement using the Jes Extender. The initial chapter introduces you to the device and instructs you to measure your penis so that you can easily track your progress. Subsequent chapters guide you through the process of enlarging your penis. Various exercises are detailed and the process is explained at length. The instructions are simple to understand and straightforward.
Though the Jes Extender can be viewed as a decent device, like other penis extenders, it does have its limitations. Some of the most glaring shortcomings of the Jes Extender include:
During its peak, the Jes Extender received numerous positive reviews from satisfied users. Feedback from customers around the globe validated the company’s claims – many users achieved their goal of a larger penis with an average increase of 1 to 3 inches in length. Most users also reported that the device was relatively comfortable when worn for the prescribed amount of time.
Overall, the Jes Extender ranks as an average penile enhancement device simply because there currently are better designed higher quality extenders on the market. Based on the research we compiled, we give the Jes Extender a 89% rating. If you truly want to increase your size, there are other alternatives you may want to consider, such as our Editors Choice the Quick Extender Pro.
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