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Resolved – The Debate over Penis Extenders, Pumps & Surgeries

Penis enlargement is incredibly important to men as it’s the main source of a man’s masculinity. Men will often believe, rightly or wrongly, that if they have a small penis then they are less of a man, and this feeling will Why Men Want a Bigger Penisrear its ugly head during sex with a partner. There are, however, a variety of methods that can be utilized for the purposes of increasing the size of the penis. Considerable debate has occurred over which method is the most effective, and that debate is resolved below.

Why Men Want a Bigger Penis

Men want a bigger penis for many reasons. Just a few of the reasons are outlined below.

  • As previously mentioned, the penis is a source of a man’s masculinity. If the penis is small then they are going to feel inferior. When it comes to the bedroom they may even develop mild paranoia as they will attempt to ascertain what their partner thinks about their penis size.
  • They know that with a bigger penis they can provide a lot more pleasure for their partner. Having a longer and larger penis is traditionally associated with being able to provide a better feeling when the penis goes into the vagina, as well as with more intense orgasms.
  • A lack of self-confidence and self-esteem are associated with a smaller penis, so naturally they want to get rid of this low feeling.

Penis Pumps

The penis pump is a device that primarily uses a small ring that goes around the penis. Once this ring is sent into action it forces the penis to enlarge itself. If the ring is taken away then the increased size will also disappear. Penis pumps are not the most popular penis enlargement device and they often can’t hold a candle to a high quality penis extender. What follows are just some of the reasons why the pump is inferior to the extender.


Penis pumps were never designed to provide a permanent boost to the size of a man’s penis. It’s designed purely for use during sex and then it disappears again. The entire enlargement relies on the ring that encircles the penis. Once this is removed the enlargement disappears. Penis extenders are different because they are geared towards providing long term results by gently stretching out the penis and manipulating the way cells order themselves when they are produced.


Like so many other penis enlargement solutions out there, the pump is not discreet. Due to the fact that the pump relies entirely on the presence of a solitary ring it means that it can’t be hidden whilst having sex. Most men will not want to admit that they are not happy with the size of their penis, especially to their partners. Discretion is therefore key to them, so they are not going to want to reveal that they are trying to find a treatment for their penis.


There are a multitude of surgeries that work to increase the size of the penis. Few people who are looking for ways to increase the size of their sexual organs will opt for surgery as there are a lot of potential hazards associated with them. Below are the reasons why surgery is inferior to using a well-known branded penis extender.

Surgery vs Penis Extenders: Danger

Danger comes with even the most trivial of surgeries. Penis surgery is not something that’s trivial. Even the best surgeons around will occasionally make mistakes. If something goes wrong during surgery then the penis could lose some of its size through partial amputation, the patient could become infertile, or in the worst case scenario they could even lose their penis entirely. Is the risk really worth it?

Surgery vs Penis Extenders: Costs

Surgery is expensive. It’s going to cost thousands of dollars to have carried out by any surgeon of any experience level. To go to the best hospitals it’s going to cost even more. People generally just don’t have the sort of capital that’s needed to have surgery carried out. What people also have to remember is that this is considered to be a form of cosmetic surgery. So even if the patient happens to live somewhere where public health-care exists they won’t find it on that system as it comes under the category of cosmetic surgery. There’s no avoiding the large fees that come with surgery.

A penis extender won’t provide the instant results that come with surgery, but it does come without the massive costs associated with it. Extenders are going to be affordable, even when looking at the highest quality brands. The most that anyone can realistically expect to pay is going to be a few hundred dollars, which still comes nowhere near the cost of actually having surgery. Penis enlargement via an penis extender is opening the possibility of a larger penis to everybody.

Feel free to visit our penis extender review section for reviews and recommendations on the top penis extenders available.